Friday, January 4, 2008

Just a quick note to my journal--received a revision request from one of my favorite publishers, Sylvan Dell, today! YAH HOO!--OFF TO REVISE, FOLKS!

Thank you, Donna German, Editor.

This gives me something to focus on while I wait word from Blooming Tree Press. They currently have 3 of my stories on hold. Here's to hope that 2008 will be a great year!
Update: Revision sent to SD. Received today, (Jan 10th) an email that stated she wants to think about it and it may take a while. YAY!

Edited to add: I'm listed in the new Good News section of January's Stories for Children. Thank you, SFC!
And today, January 10th received acceptance for my poem, Independence Day for July's issue. Thank you, Virginia Grenier, editor and Gayle Jacobson-Huset, assistant editor!


Cate Gardner said...

Congratulations and good luck... Cate

Pat said...

What a neat poem and success you are having! Are you the same Carole I knew in Indy?

Carole Brooks said...

Thank you, Cate, for visiting my site and for wishing me luck!

And Pat? I very well could be. What's your last name? I worked for IPS schools. Please let me know who you are!!!


Carole Brooks said...

Yes! That would be me, Pat.
You can email me at

Anonymous said...

Congrats and good luck Carole on the Sylvan Dell revision request.
Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog. Bish