Sunday, October 14, 2007

For Brenda

This blog, being the first one I've ever published and new to it all, is mostly about my writing footprints and a way to show my path. So yeah, it's all about me.
Today's entry is about someone else, my writing buddy Brenda Reeves Sturgis. WATCH OUT, KIDS, BRENDA IS COMING! AND SHE'S GOING TO MAKE A SPLASH THAT WILL SHIMMER IN THE AIR!!!!!!
So the caps are not my style, I did that for B. She likes caps and flair and !!!!!!!!!s and she will tickle you with her stories and rhyme. And currently she's on a roll. Don't be surprised if you see, in the near future, a rhyming picture book by Brenda roll up right in front of your nose. Be ready to be dazzled 'cause she's funny and she's got the beat. Her meter is on target! I call her "my meter maid" because she helps me with mine. So drum roll, please and watch as Brenda bounces into publication. I just know it will be soon.
ps. Brenda--I'm happy for you, kiddo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and your optimism.

You are a good friend.
