Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fall Color Tour Up Michigan's Coastline

As promised, here are some photos of our color tour trip last month. I intended to have more light house pictures, but alas, they weren't as pretty as these. The mural is painted on the bathhouse in Saugatuck, an artist community, a favorite haunt of ours. We traveled the shoreline up to Traverse City. The picture of me shows how windy it was on the beach and that tiny speck behind me is a lighthouse.


Danette Haworth said...

Lovely photos, Carole. BTW, your illustrations are beautiful, too.

mona said...

These are lovely...I've been meaning to tell you that I love your artwork!
Wish I could do that...I can only make fat stick people!

Carole Brooks said...

Thank you, Danette and Mona, for visiting! So nice to see you both.